Provably Efficient Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning: Iterated CVaR
and Worst Path
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- Date: Thu, 11 May 2023 06:19:14 GMT
- Title: Provably Efficient Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning: Iterated CVaR
and Worst Path
- Authors: Yihan Du, Siwei Wang, Longbo Huang
- Abstract summary: We study a novel episodic risk-sensitive Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem, named Iterated CVaR RL, which aims to maximize the tail of the reward-to-go at each step.
This formulation is applicable to real-world tasks that demand strong risk avoidance throughout the decision process.
- Score: 40.4378338001229
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- Abstract: In this paper, we study a novel episodic risk-sensitive Reinforcement
Learning (RL) problem, named Iterated CVaR RL, which aims to maximize the tail
of the reward-to-go at each step, and focuses on tightly controlling the risk
of getting into catastrophic situations at each stage. This formulation is
applicable to real-world tasks that demand strong risk avoidance throughout the
decision process, such as autonomous driving, clinical treatment planning and
robotics. We investigate two performance metrics under Iterated CVaR RL, i.e.,
Regret Minimization and Best Policy Identification. For both metrics, we design
efficient algorithms ICVaR-RM and ICVaR-BPI, respectively, and provide nearly
matching upper and lower bounds with respect to the number of episodes $K$. We
also investigate an interesting limiting case of Iterated CVaR RL, called Worst
Path RL, where the objective becomes to maximize the minimum possible
cumulative reward. For Worst Path RL, we propose an efficient algorithm with
constant upper and lower bounds. Finally, our techniques for bounding the
change of CVaR due to the value function shift and decomposing the regret via a
distorted visitation distribution are novel, and can find applications in other
risk-sensitive RL problems.
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