Distributive Justice as the Foundational Premise of Fair ML:
Unification, Extension, and Interpretation of Group Fairness Metrics
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.02897v3
- Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 07:10:40 GMT
- Title: Distributive Justice as the Foundational Premise of Fair ML:
Unification, Extension, and Interpretation of Group Fairness Metrics
- Authors: Joachim Baumann, Corinna Hertweck, Michele Loi, Christoph Heitz
- Abstract summary: Group fairness metrics are an established way of assessing the fairness of prediction-based decision-making systems.
We propose a comprehensive framework for group fairness metrics, which links them to more theories of distributive justice.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Group fairness metrics are an established way of assessing the fairness of
prediction-based decision-making systems. However, these metrics are still
insufficiently linked to philosophical theories, and their moral meaning is
often unclear. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive framework for group
fairness metrics, which links them to more theories of distributive justice.
The different group fairness metrics differ in their choices about how to
measure the benefit or harm of a decision for the affected individuals, and
what moral claims to benefits are assumed. Our unifying framework reveals the
normative choices associated with standard group fairness metrics and allows an
interpretation of their moral substance. In addition, this broader view
provides a structure for the expansion of standard fairness metrics that we
find in the literature. This expansion allows addressing several criticisms of
standard group fairness metrics, specifically: (1) they are parity-based, i.e.,
they demand some form of equality between groups, which may sometimes be
detrimental to marginalized groups; (2) they only compare decisions across
groups but not the resulting consequences for these groups; and (3) the full
breadth of the distributive justice literature is not sufficiently represented.
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