The Devil is in the Labels: Noisy Label Correction for Robust Scene
Graph Generation
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2022 05:03:57 GMT
- Title: The Devil is in the Labels: Noisy Label Correction for Robust Scene
Graph Generation
- Authors: Lin Li, Long Chen, Yifeng Huang, Zhimeng Zhang, Songyang Zhang, Jun
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel model-agnostic NoIsy label CorrEction strategy for unbiased SGG models.
NICE can not only detect noisy samples but also reassign more high-quality predicate labels to them.
NICE consists of three components: negative Noisy Sample Detection (Neg-NSD), positive NSD (Pos-NSD), and Noisy Sample Correction (NSC)
- Score: 33.45310571580091
- License:
- Abstract: Unbiased SGG has achieved significant progress over recent years. However,
almost all existing SGG models have overlooked the ground-truth annotation
qualities of prevailing SGG datasets, i.e., they always assume: 1) all the
manually annotated positive samples are equally correct; 2) all the
un-annotated negative samples are absolutely background. In this paper, we
argue that both assumptions are inapplicable to SGG: there are numerous "noisy"
groundtruth predicate labels that break these two assumptions, and these noisy
samples actually harm the training of unbiased SGG models. To this end, we
propose a novel model-agnostic NoIsy label CorrEction strategy for SGG: NICE.
NICE can not only detect noisy samples but also reassign more high-quality
predicate labels to them. After the NICE training, we can obtain a cleaner
version of SGG dataset for model training. Specifically, NICE consists of three
components: negative Noisy Sample Detection (Neg-NSD), positive NSD (Pos-NSD),
and Noisy Sample Correction (NSC). Firstly, in Neg-NSD, we formulate this task
as an out-of-distribution detection problem, and assign pseudo labels to all
detected noisy negative samples. Then, in Pos-NSD, we use a clustering-based
algorithm to divide all positive samples into multiple sets, and treat the
samples in the noisiest set as noisy positive samples. Lastly, in NSC, we use a
simple but effective weighted KNN to reassign new predicate labels to noisy
positive samples. Extensive results on different backbones and tasks have
attested to the effectiveness and generalization abilities of each component of
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