Unsupervised Learning of 3D Scene Flow from Monocular Camera
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.03673v1
- Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2022 04:57:27 GMT
- Title: Unsupervised Learning of 3D Scene Flow from Monocular Camera
- Authors: Guangming Wang, Xiaoyu Tian, Ruiqi Ding, and Hesheng Wang
- Abstract summary: It is difficult to obtain the ground truth of scene flow in the real scenes, and recent studies are based on synthetic data for training.
A novel unsupervised learning method for scene flow is proposed in this paper, which utilizes the images of two consecutive frames taken by monocular camera.
Our method realizes the goal that training scene flow network with real-world data, which bridges the gap between training data and test data.
- Score: 21.34395959441377
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Scene flow represents the motion of points in the 3D space, which is the
counterpart of the optical flow that represents the motion of pixels in the 2D
image. However, it is difficult to obtain the ground truth of scene flow in the
real scenes, and recent studies are based on synthetic data for training.
Therefore, how to train a scene flow network with unsupervised methods based on
real-world data shows crucial significance. A novel unsupervised learning
method for scene flow is proposed in this paper, which utilizes the images of
two consecutive frames taken by monocular camera without the ground truth of
scene flow for training. Our method realizes the goal that training scene flow
network with real-world data, which bridges the gap between training data and
test data and broadens the scope of available data for training. Unsupervised
learning of scene flow in this paper mainly consists of two parts: (i) depth
estimation and camera pose estimation, and (ii) scene flow estimation based on
four different loss functions. Depth estimation and camera pose estimation
obtain the depth maps and camera pose between two consecutive frames, which
provide further information for the next scene flow estimation. After that, we
used depth consistency loss, dynamic-static consistency loss, Chamfer loss, and
Laplacian regularization loss to carry out unsupervised training of the scene
flow network. To our knowledge, this is the first paper that realizes the
unsupervised learning of 3D scene flow from monocular camera. The experiment
results on KITTI show that our method for unsupervised learning of scene flow
meets great performance compared to traditional methods Iterative Closest Point
(ICP) and Fast Global Registration (FGR). The source code is available at:
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