論文の概要: Unsupervised Key Event Detection from Massive Text Corpora
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.04153v1
- Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2022 20:31:02 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-06-11 05:45:21.595096
- Title: Unsupervised Key Event Detection from Massive Text Corpora
- Title(参考訳): 重大テキストコーパスからの教師なしキーイベント検出
- Authors: Yunyi Zhang, Fang Guo, Jiaming Shen, Jiawei Han
- Abstract要約: 本稿では,ニュースコーパスキーイベントから検出することを目的とした,中間レベルでのキーイベント検出という新たなタスクを提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 42.31889135421941
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Automated event detection from news corpora is a crucial task towards mining
fast-evolving structured knowledge. As real-world events have different
granularities, from the top-level themes to key events and then to event
mentions corresponding to concrete actions, there are generally two lines of
research: (1) theme detection identifies from a news corpus major themes (e.g.,
"2019 Hong Kong Protests" vs. "2020 U.S. Presidential Election") that have very
distinct semantics; and (2) action extraction extracts from one document
mention-level actions (e.g., "the police hit the left arm of the protester")
that are too fine-grained for comprehending the event. In this paper, we
propose a new task, key event detection at the intermediate level, aiming to
detect from a news corpus key events (e.g., "HK Airport Protest on Aug.
12-14"), each happening at a particular time/location and focusing on the same
topic. This task can bridge event understanding and structuring and is
inherently challenging because of the thematic and temporal closeness of key
events and the scarcity of labeled data due to the fast-evolving nature of news
articles. To address these challenges, we develop an unsupervised key event
detection framework, EvMine, that (1) extracts temporally frequent peak phrases
using a novel ttf-itf score, (2) merges peak phrases into event-indicative
feature sets by detecting communities from our designed peak phrase graph that
captures document co-occurrences, semantic similarities, and temporal closeness
signals, and (3) iteratively retrieves documents related to each key event by
training a classifier with automatically generated pseudo labels from the
event-indicative feature sets and refining the detected key events using the
retrieved documents. Extensive experiments and case studies show EvMine
outperforms all the baseline methods and its ablations on two real-world news
- Abstract(参考訳): ニュースコーパスからのイベントの自動検出は、進化の早い構造化知識のマイニングにとって重要なタスクである。
As real-world events have different granularities, from the top-level themes to key events and then to event mentions corresponding to concrete actions, there are generally two lines of research: (1) theme detection identifies from a news corpus major themes (e.g., "2019 Hong Kong Protests" vs. "2020 U.S. Presidential Election") that have very distinct semantics; and (2) action extraction extracts from one document mention-level actions (e.g., "the police hit the left arm of the protester") that are too fine-grained for comprehending the event.
To address these challenges, we develop an unsupervised key event detection framework, EvMine, that (1) extracts temporally frequent peak phrases using a novel ttf-itf score, (2) merges peak phrases into event-indicative feature sets by detecting communities from our designed peak phrase graph that captures document co-occurrences, semantic similarities, and temporal closeness signals, and (3) iteratively retrieves documents related to each key event by training a classifier with automatically generated pseudo labels from the event-indicative feature sets and refining the detected key events using the retrieved documents.
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