Coherent transfer of the transverse momentum of an optical vortex beam
to the motion of a single trapped ion
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- Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2022 06:15:08 GMT
- Title: Coherent transfer of the transverse momentum of an optical vortex beam
to the motion of a single trapped ion
- Authors: Felix Stopp, Maurizio Verde, Milton Katz, Martin Drechsler, Christian
T. Schmiegelow, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
- Abstract summary: We demonstrate the excitation, using a structured light beam carrying orbital angular momentum, of the center of mass motion of a single atom.
We characterize the coherent interaction by an effective transverse Lamb-Dicke factor $etamathrmexp_perp62(5)$ which is in agreement with our theoretical prediction $etamathrmtheo_perp57(1)$
- Score: 22.42090005507693
- License:
- Abstract: We demonstrate the excitation, using a structured light beam carrying orbital
angular momentum, of the center of mass motion of a single atom in the
transverse direction to the beam's propagation. This interaction is achieved
with a vortex beam carrying one unit of orbital angular momentum and one unit
of spin/polarization angular momentum. Using a singly charged $^{40}$Ca$^+$
ion, cooled near the ground state of motion in the 3D harmonic potential of a
Paul trap, we probe the narrow S$_{1/2}$ to D$_{5/2}$ transition near
$729\,\mathrm{nm}$ on its motional sidebands to quantify the momentum transfer.
Exchange of quanta in the perpendicular direction to the beam's wave vector
$\mathbf{k}$ is observed in case of the vortex shaped beam, in strong contrast
to the absence of this spin-motion coupling for the case of a Gaussian beam. We
characterize the coherent interaction by an effective transverse Lamb-Dicke
factor $\eta^\mathrm{exp}_{\perp}=0.0062(5)$ which is in agreement with our
theoretical prediction $\eta^\mathrm{theo}_{\perp}=0.0057(1)$
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