Dynamic mean field programming
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.05200v2
- Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 05:57:42 GMT
- Title: Dynamic mean field programming
- Authors: George Stamatescu
- Abstract summary: A dynamic mean field theory is developed for finite state and action reinforcement learning in the large state space limit.
Under certain assumptions, the state-action values are statistically independent across state-action pairs in the state space limit.
The results hold in the finite and discounted infinite horizon settings, for both value iteration and policy evaluation.
- Score: 1.2183405753834562
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: A dynamic mean field theory is developed for finite state and action Bayesian
reinforcement learning in the large state space limit. In an analogy with
statistical physics, the Bellman equation is studied as a disordered dynamical
system; the Markov decision process transition probabilities are interpreted as
couplings and the value functions as deterministic spins that evolve
dynamically. Thus, the mean-rewards and transition probabilities are considered
to be quenched random variables. The theory reveals that, under certain
assumptions, the state-action values are statistically independent across
state-action pairs in the asymptotic state space limit, and provides the form
of the distribution exactly. The results hold in the finite and discounted
infinite horizon settings, for both value iteration and policy evaluation. The
state-action value statistics can be computed from a set of mean field
equations, which we call dynamic mean field programming (DMFP). For policy
evaluation the equations are exact. For value iteration, approximate equations
are obtained by appealing to extreme value theory or bounds. The result
provides analytic insight into the statistical structure of tabular
reinforcement learning, for example revealing the conditions under which
reinforcement learning is equivalent to a set of independent multi-armed bandit
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