Gradient Descent for Low-Rank Functions
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- Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2022 15:58:05 GMT
- Title: Gradient Descent for Low-Rank Functions
- Authors: Romain Cosson, Ali Jadbabaie, Anuran Makur, Amirhossein Reisizadeh,
Devavrat Shah
- Abstract summary: In machine learning tasks, e.g., training deep neural networks, the loss function varies significantly in only a few directions of the input.
Our proposed emphLowRank Descent finds an $epsilon gradient function by first identifying $mathcalO(plog(1/epsilon))$gd and $mathcalOp/epsilon2)$p/epsilon2)$.
- Score: 36.56489593549855
- License:
- Abstract: Several recent empirical studies demonstrate that important machine learning
tasks, e.g., training deep neural networks, exhibit low-rank structure, where
the loss function varies significantly in only a few directions of the input
space. In this paper, we leverage such low-rank structure to reduce the high
computational cost of canonical gradient-based methods such as gradient descent
(GD). Our proposed \emph{Low-Rank Gradient Descent} (LRGD) algorithm finds an
$\epsilon$-approximate stationary point of a $p$-dimensional function by first
identifying $r \leq p$ significant directions, and then estimating the true
$p$-dimensional gradient at every iteration by computing directional
derivatives only along those $r$ directions. We establish that the "directional
oracle complexities" of LRGD for strongly convex and non-convex objective
functions are $\mathcal{O}(r \log(1/\epsilon) + rp)$ and
$\mathcal{O}(r/\epsilon^2 + rp)$, respectively. When $r \ll p$, these
complexities are smaller than the known complexities of $\mathcal{O}(p
\log(1/\epsilon))$ and $\mathcal{O}(p/\epsilon^2)$ of {\gd} in the strongly
convex and non-convex settings, respectively. Thus, LRGD significantly reduces
the computational cost of gradient-based methods for sufficiently low-rank
functions. In the course of our analysis, we also formally define and
characterize the classes of exact and approximately low-rank functions.
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