Path-Gradient Estimators for Continuous Normalizing Flows
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- Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 21:25:06 GMT
- Title: Path-Gradient Estimators for Continuous Normalizing Flows
- Authors: Lorenz Vaitl, Kim A. Nicoli, Shinichi Nakajima, Pan Kessel
- Abstract summary: Recent work has established a path-gradient estimator for simple variational Gaussian distributions.
We propose a path-gradient estimator for the considerably more expressive variational family of continuous normalizing flows.
- Score: 4.830811539001643
- License:
- Abstract: Recent work has established a path-gradient estimator for simple variational
Gaussian distributions and has argued that the path-gradient is particularly
beneficial in the regime in which the variational distribution approaches the
exact target distribution. In many applications, this regime can however not be
reached by a simple Gaussian variational distribution. In this work, we
overcome this crucial limitation by proposing a path-gradient estimator for the
considerably more expressive variational family of continuous normalizing
flows. We outline an efficient algorithm to calculate this estimator and
establish its superior performance empirically.
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