Designing MacPherson Suspension Architectures using Bayesian
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 21:50:25 GMT
- Title: Designing MacPherson Suspension Architectures using Bayesian
- Authors: Sinnu Susan Thomas, Jacopo Palandri, Mohsen Lakehal-ayat, Punarjay
Chakravarty, Friedrich Wolf-Monheim and Matthew B. Blaschko
- Abstract summary: Testing for compliance is performed first by computer simulation using a discipline model.
Designs passing this simulation are then considered for physical prototyping.
We show that the proposed approach is general, scalable, and efficient.
- Score: 21.295015276123962
- License:
- Abstract: Engineering design is traditionally performed by hand: an expert makes design
proposals based on past experience, and these proposals are then tested for
compliance with certain target specifications. Testing for compliance is
performed first by computer simulation using what is called a discipline model.
Such a model can be implemented by a finite element analysis, multibody systems
approach, etc. Designs passing this simulation are then considered for physical
prototyping. The overall process may take months, and is a significant cost in
practice. We have developed a Bayesian optimization system for partially
automating this process by directly optimizing compliance with the target
specification with respect to the design parameters. The proposed method is a
general framework for computing a generalized inverse of a high-dimensional
non-linear function that does not require e.g. gradient information, which is
often unavailable from discipline models. We furthermore develop a two-tier
convergence criterion based on (i) convergence to a solution optimally
satisfying all specified design criteria, or (ii) convergence to a minimum-norm
solution. We demonstrate the proposed approach on a vehicle chassis design
problem motivated by an industry setting using a state-of-the-art commercial
discipline model. We show that the proposed approach is general, scalable, and
efficient, and that the novel convergence criteria can be implemented
straightforwardly based on existing concepts and subroutines in popular
Bayesian optimization software packages.
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