Domain Generalization with Relaxed Instance Frequency-wise Normalization
for Multi-device Acoustic Scene Classification
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- Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 23:45:50 GMT
- Title: Domain Generalization with Relaxed Instance Frequency-wise Normalization
for Multi-device Acoustic Scene Classification
- Authors: Byeonggeun Kim, Seunghan Yang, Jangho Kim, Hyunsin Park, Juntae Lee,
Simyung Chang
- Abstract summary: Domain-relevant information in an audio feature is dominant in frequency statistics rather than channel statistics.
We introduce Relaxed Instance Frequency-wise Normalization (RFN): a plug-and-play, explicit normalization module along the frequency axis.
RFN can eliminate instance-specific domain discrepancy in an audio feature while relaxing undesirable loss of useful discriminative information.
- Score: 18.186932959605247
- License:
- Abstract: While using two-dimensional convolutional neural networks (2D-CNNs) in image
processing, it is possible to manipulate domain information using channel
statistics, and instance normalization has been a promising way to get
domain-invariant features. However, unlike image processing, we analyze that
domain-relevant information in an audio feature is dominant in frequency
statistics rather than channel statistics. Motivated by our analysis, we
introduce Relaxed Instance Frequency-wise Normalization (RFN): a plug-and-play,
explicit normalization module along the frequency axis which can eliminate
instance-specific domain discrepancy in an audio feature while relaxing
undesirable loss of useful discriminative information. Empirically, simply
adding RFN to networks shows clear margins compared to previous domain
generalization approaches on acoustic scene classification and yields improved
robustness for multiple audio devices. Especially, the proposed RFN won the
DCASE2021 challenge TASK1A, low-complexity acoustic scene classification with
multiple devices, with a clear margin, and RFN is an extended work of our
technical report.
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