The split Gibbs sampler revisited: improvements to its algorithmic
structure and augmented target distribution
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 3 May 2023 10:58:21 GMT
- Title: The split Gibbs sampler revisited: improvements to its algorithmic
structure and augmented target distribution
- Authors: Marcelo Pereyra, Luis A. Vargas-Mieles, Konstantinos C. Zygalakis
- Abstract summary: Current state-of-the-art methods often address these difficulties by replacing the posterior density with a smooth approximation.
An alternative approach is based on data augmentation and relaxation, where auxiliary variables are introduced in order to construct an approximate augmented posterior distribution.
This paper proposes a new accelerated proximal MCMC method called latent space SK-ROCK, which tightly combines the benefits of the two strategies.
- Score: 1.1279808969568252
- License:
- Abstract: Developing efficient Bayesian computation algorithms for imaging inverse
problems is challenging due to the dimensionality involved and because Bayesian
imaging models are often not smooth. Current state-of-the-art methods often
address these difficulties by replacing the posterior density with a smooth
approximation that is amenable to efficient exploration by using Langevin
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. An alternative approach is based on
data augmentation and relaxation, where auxiliary variables are introduced in
order to construct an approximate augmented posterior distribution that is
amenable to efficient exploration by Gibbs sampling. This paper proposes a new
accelerated proximal MCMC method called latent space SK-ROCK (ls SK-ROCK),
which tightly combines the benefits of the two aforementioned strategies.
Additionally, instead of viewing the augmented posterior distribution as an
approximation of the original model, we propose to consider it as a
generalisation of this model. Following on from this, we empirically show that
there is a range of values for the relaxation parameter for which the accuracy
of the model improves, and propose a stochastic optimisation algorithm to
automatically identify the optimal amount of relaxation for a given problem. In
this regime, ls SK-ROCK converges faster than competing approaches from the
state of the art, and also achieves better accuracy since the underlying
augmented Bayesian model has a higher Bayesian evidence. The proposed
methodology is demonstrated with a range of numerical experiments related to
image deblurring and inpainting, as well as with comparisons with alternative
approaches from the state of the art. An open-source implementation of the
proposed MCMC methods is available from
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