Time and Query Complexity Tradeoffs for the Dihedral Coset Problem
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.14408v3
- Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2023 14:08:48 GMT
- Title: Time and Query Complexity Tradeoffs for the Dihedral Coset Problem
- Authors: Maxime Remaud and Andr\'e Schrottenloher and Jean-Pierre Tillich
- Abstract summary: Dihedral Coset Problem (DCP) in $Z_N$ has been extensively studied in quantum computing and post-quantum cryptography.
Ettinger-Hoyer algorithm is known to solve the DCP in $O(log(N))$ queries.
We introduce the first algorithm to improve in the linear queries regime over the Ettinger-Hoyer algorithm.
- Score: 0.19731444261635428
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The Dihedral Coset Problem (DCP) in $Z_N$ has been extensively studied in
quantum computing and post-quantum cryptography, as for instance, the Learning
with Errors problem reduces to it. While the Ettinger-Hoyer algorithm is known
to solve the DCP in $O(log(N))$ queries, it runs inefficiently in time $O(N)$.
The first time-efficient algorithm was introduced (and later improved) by
Kuperberg (SIAM J. Comput. 2005). These algorithms run in a subexponential
amount of time and queries $O{2^{\sqrt{c_{DCP}log(N)}}}$, for some constant
The sieving algorithms \`a la Kuperberg admit many trade-offs between quantum
and classical time, memory and queries. Some of these trade-offs allow the
attacker to reduce the number of queries if they are particularly costly, which
is notably the case in the post-quantum key-exchange CSIDH. Such optimizations
have already been studied, but they typically fall into two categories: the
resulting algorithm is either based on Regev's approach of reducing the DCP
with quadratic queries to a subset-sum instance, or on a re-optimization of
Kuperberg's sieve where the time and queries are both subexponential.
In this paper, we introduce the first algorithm to improve in the linear
queries regime over the Ettinger-Hoyer algorithm. We then show that we can in
fact interpolate between this algorithm and Kuperberg's sieve, by using the
latter in a pre-processing step to create several quantum states, and solving a
quantum subset-sum instance to recover the full secret in one pass from the
obtained states. This allows to interpolate smoothly between the linear
queries-exponential time complexity case and the subexponential query and time
complexity case, thus allowing a fine tuning of the complexity taking into
account the query cost. We also give on our way a precise study of quantum
subset-sum algorithms in the non-asymptotic regime.
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