Open-world Semantic Segmentation for LIDAR Point Clouds
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- Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2022 14:40:35 GMT
- Title: Open-world Semantic Segmentation for LIDAR Point Clouds
- Authors: Jun Cen, Peng Yun, Shiwei Zhang, Junhao Cai, Di Luan, Michael Yu Wang,
Ming Liu, Mingqian Tang
- Abstract summary: We propose an open-world semantic segmentation task for LIDAR point clouds.
It aims to identify both old and novel classes using open-set semantic segmentation.
It also gradually incorporate novel objects into the existing knowledge base using incremental learning.
- Score: 18.45831801175225
- License:
- Abstract: Current methods for LIDAR semantic segmentation are not robust enough for
real-world applications, e.g., autonomous driving, since it is closed-set and
static. The closed-set assumption makes the network only able to output labels
of trained classes, even for objects never seen before, while a static network
cannot update its knowledge base according to what it has seen. Therefore, in
this work, we propose the open-world semantic segmentation task for LIDAR point
clouds, which aims to 1) identify both old and novel classes using open-set
semantic segmentation, and 2) gradually incorporate novel objects into the
existing knowledge base using incremental learning without forgetting old
classes. For this purpose, we propose a REdundAncy cLassifier (REAL) framework
to provide a general architecture for both the open-set semantic segmentation
and incremental learning problems. The experimental results show that REAL can
simultaneously achieves state-of-the-art performance in the open-set semantic
segmentation task on the SemanticKITTI and nuScenes datasets, and alleviate the
catastrophic forgetting problem with a large margin during incremental
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