DLME: Deep Local-flatness Manifold Embedding
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.03160v1
- Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2022 08:46:17 GMT
- Title: DLME: Deep Local-flatness Manifold Embedding
- Authors: Zelin Zang and Siyuan Li and Di Wu and Ge Wang and Lei Shang and
Baigui Sun and Hao Li and Stan Z. Li
- Abstract summary: Deep Local-flatness Manifold Embedding (DLME) is a novel ML framework to obtain reliable manifold embedding by reducing distortion.
In the experiments, by showing the effectiveness of DLME on downstream classification, clustering, and visualization tasks, our results show that DLME outperforms SOTA ML & contrastive learning (CL) methods.
- Score: 41.86924171938867
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Manifold learning~(ML) aims to find low-dimensional embedding from
high-dimensional data. Previous works focus on handcraft or easy datasets with
simple and ideal scenarios; however, we find they perform poorly on real-world
datasets with under-sampling data. Generally, ML methods primarily model data
structure and subsequently process a low-dimensional embedding, where the poor
local connectivity of under-sampling data in the former step and inappropriate
optimization objectives in the later step will lead to \emph{structural
distortion} and \emph{underconstrained embedding}. To solve this problem, we
propose Deep Local-flatness Manifold Embedding (DLME), a novel ML framework to
obtain reliable manifold embedding by reducing distortion. Our proposed DLME
constructs semantic manifolds by data augmentation and overcomes
\emph{structural distortion} problems with the help of its smooth framework. To
overcome \emph{underconstrained embedding}, we design a specific loss for DLME
and mathematically demonstrate that it leads to a more suitable embedding based
on our proposed Local Flatness Assumption. In the experiments, by showing the
effectiveness of DLME on downstream classification, clustering, and
visualization tasks with three types of datasets (toy, biological, and image),
our experimental results show that DLME outperforms SOTA ML \& contrastive
learning (CL) methods.
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