Generalized Volume-Complexity For Two-Sided Hyperscaling Violating Black
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- Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2023 14:51:18 GMT
- Title: Generalized Volume-Complexity For Two-Sided Hyperscaling Violating Black
- Authors: Farzad Omidi
- Abstract summary: We investigate volume-complexity $mathcalC_rm gen$ for a two-sided uncharged HV black brane in $d+2$ dimensions.
We numerically calculate the growth rate of $mathcalC_rm gen$ for different values of the hyperscaling violation exponent $theta$ and dynamical exponent $z$.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In this paper, we investigate generalized volume-complexity $\mathcal{C}_{\rm
gen}$ for a two-sided uncharged HV black brane in $d+2$ dimensions. This
quantity which was recently introduced in [arXiv:2111.02429], is an extension
of volume in the Complexity=Volume (CV) proposal, by adding higher curvature
corrections with a coupling constant $\lambda$ to the volume functional. We
numerically calculate the growth rate of $\mathcal{C}_{\rm gen}$ for different
values of the hyperscaling violation exponent $\theta$ and dynamical exponent
$z$. It is observed that $\mathcal{C}_{\rm gen}$ always grows linearly at late
times provided that we choose $\lambda$ properly. Moreover, it approaches its
late time value from below. For the case $\lambda=0$, we find an analytic
expression for the late time growth rate for arbitrary values of $\theta$ and
$z$. However, for $\lambda \neq 0$, the late time growth rate can only be
calculated analytically for some specific values of $\theta$ and $z$. We also
examine the dependence of the growth rate on $d$, $\theta$, $z$ and $\lambda$.
Furthermore, we calculate the complexity of formation obtained from
volume-complexity and show that it is not UV divergent. We also examine its
dependence on the thermal entropy and temperature of the black brane. At the
end, we also numerically calculate the growth rate of $\mathcal{C}_{\rm gen}$
for the case where the higher curvature corrections are a linear combination of
the Ricci scalar, square of the Ricci tensor and square of the Riemann tensor.
We show that for appropriate values of the coupling constants, the late time
growth rate is again linear.
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