A Single-Loop Gradient Descent and Perturbed Ascent Algorithm for
Nonconvex Functional Constrained Optimization
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.05650v1
- Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2022 16:30:34 GMT
- Title: A Single-Loop Gradient Descent and Perturbed Ascent Algorithm for
Nonconvex Functional Constrained Optimization
- Authors: Songtao Lu
- Abstract summary: Non constrained inequality problems can be used to model a number machine learning problems, such as multi-class Neyman oracle.
Under such a mild condition of regularity it is difficult to balance reduction alternating value loss and reduction constraint violation.
In this paper, we propose a novel primal-dual inequality constrained problems algorithm.
- Score: 27.07082875330508
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: Nonconvex constrained optimization problems can be used to model a number of
machine learning problems, such as multi-class Neyman-Pearson classification
and constrained Markov decision processes. However, such kinds of problems are
challenging because both the objective and constraints are possibly nonconvex,
so it is difficult to balance the reduction of the loss value and reduction of
constraint violation. Although there are a few methods that solve this class of
problems, all of them are double-loop or triple-loop algorithms, and they
require oracles to solve some subproblems up to certain accuracy by tuning
multiple hyperparameters at each iteration. In this paper, we propose a novel
gradient descent and perturbed ascent (GDPA) algorithm to solve a class of
smooth nonconvex inequality constrained problems. The GDPA is a primal-dual
algorithm, which only exploits the first-order information of both the
objective and constraint functions to update the primal and dual variables in
an alternating way. The key feature of the proposed algorithm is that it is a
single-loop algorithm, where only two step-sizes need to be tuned. We show that
under a mild regularity condition GDPA is able to find Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT)
points of nonconvex functional constrained problems with convergence rate
guarantees. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first single-loop algorithm
that can solve the general nonconvex smooth problems with nonconvex inequality
constraints. Numerical results also showcase the superiority of GDPA compared
with the best-known algorithms (in terms of both stationarity measure and
feasibility of the obtained solutions).
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