Fully Decentralized Model-based Policy Optimization for Networked
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.06559v1
- Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2022 23:52:14 GMT
- Title: Fully Decentralized Model-based Policy Optimization for Networked
- Authors: Yali Du, Chengdong Ma, Yuchen Liu, Runji Lin, Hao Dong, Jun Wang and
Yaodong Yang
- Abstract summary: This work aims to improve data efficiency of multi-agent control by model-based learning.
We consider networked systems where agents are cooperative and communicate only locally with their neighbors.
In our method, each agent learns a dynamic model to predict future states and broadcast their predictions by communication, and then the policies are trained under the model rollouts.
- Score: 23.46407780093797
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Reinforcement learning algorithms require a large amount of samples; this
often limits their real-world applications on even simple tasks. Such a
challenge is more outstanding in multi-agent tasks, as each step of operation
is more costly requiring communications or shifting or resources. This work
aims to improve data efficiency of multi-agent control by model-based learning.
We consider networked systems where agents are cooperative and communicate only
locally with their neighbors, and propose the decentralized model-based policy
optimization framework (DMPO). In our method, each agent learns a dynamic model
to predict future states and broadcast their predictions by communication, and
then the policies are trained under the model rollouts. To alleviate the bias
of model-generated data, we restrain the model usage for generating myopic
rollouts, thus reducing the compounding error of model generation. To pertain
the independence of policy update, we introduce extended value function and
theoretically prove that the resulting policy gradient is a close approximation
to true policy gradients. We evaluate our algorithm on several benchmarks for
intelligent transportation systems, which are connected autonomous vehicle
control tasks (Flow and CACC) and adaptive traffic signal control (ATSC).
Empirically results show that our method achieves superior data efficiency and
matches the performance of model-free methods using true models.
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