Applying Spatiotemporal Attention to Identify Distracted and Drowsy
Driving with Vision Transformers
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2022 16:36:48 GMT
- Title: Applying Spatiotemporal Attention to Identify Distracted and Drowsy
Driving with Vision Transformers
- Authors: Samay Lakhani
- Abstract summary: A 20% rise in car crashes in 2021 compared to 2020 has been observed as a result of increased distraction and drowsiness.
Drowsy and distracted driving are the cause of 45% of all car crashes.
This work investigated the use of the vision transformer to outperform state-of-the-art accuracy from 3D-CNNs.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: A 20% rise in car crashes in 2021 compared to 2020 has been observed as a
result of increased distraction and drowsiness. Drowsy and distracted driving
are the cause of 45% of all car crashes. As a means to decrease drowsy and
distracted driving, detection methods using computer vision can be designed to
be low-cost, accurate, and minimally invasive. This work investigated the use
of the vision transformer to outperform state-of-the-art accuracy from 3D-CNNs.
Two separate transformers were trained for drowsiness and distractedness. The
drowsy video transformer model was trained on the National Tsing-Hua University
Drowsy Driving Dataset (NTHU-DDD) with a Video Swin Transformer model for 10
epochs on two classes -- drowsy and non-drowsy simulated over 10.5 hours. The
distracted video transformer was trained on the Driver Monitoring Dataset (DMD)
with Video Swin Transformer for 50 epochs over 9 distraction-related classes.
The accuracy of the drowsiness model reached 44% and a high loss value on the
test set, indicating overfitting and poor model performance. Overfitting
indicates limited training data and applied model architecture lacked
quantifiable parameters to learn. The distracted model outperformed
state-of-the-art models on DMD reaching 97.5%, indicating that with sufficient
data and a strong architecture, transformers are suitable for unfit driving
detection. Future research should use newer and stronger models such as
TokenLearner to achieve higher accuracy and efficiency, merge existing datasets
to expand to detecting drunk driving and road rage to create a comprehensive
solution to prevent traffic crashes, and deploying a functioning prototype to
revolutionize the automotive safety industry.
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