The Cellwise Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator
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- Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 11:04:00 GMT
- Title: The Cellwise Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator
- Authors: Jakob Raymaekers and Peter J. Rousseeuw
- Abstract summary: We propose a cellwise robust version of the MCD method, called cellMCD.
It performs well in simulations with cellwise outliers, and has high finite-sample efficiency on clean data.
It is illustrated with real data with visualizations of the results.
- Score: 1.90365714903665
- License:
- Abstract: The usual Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) estimator of a covariance
matrix is robust against casewise outliers. These are cases (that is, rows of
the data matrix) that behave differently from the majority of cases, raising
suspicion that they might belong to a different population. On the other hand,
cellwise outliers are individual cells in the data matrix. When a row contains
one or more outlying cells, the other cells in the same row still contain
useful information that we wish to preserve. We propose a cellwise robust
version of the MCD method, called cellMCD. Its main building blocks are
observed likelihood and a penalty term on the number of flagged cellwise
outliers. It possesses good breakdown properties. We construct a fast algorithm
for cellMCD based on concentration steps (C-steps) that always lower the
objective. The method performs well in simulations with cellwise outliers, and
has high finite-sample efficiency on clean data. It is illustrated on real data
with visualizations of the results.
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