論文の概要: Re-creation of Creations: A New Paradigm for Lyric-to-Melody Generation
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2208.05697v2
- Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2022 03:22:37 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-08-15 11:17:15.732343
- Title: Re-creation of Creations: A New Paradigm for Lyric-to-Melody Generation
- Title(参考訳): 創造の創造:リリック・メロディ生成のための新しいパラダイム
- Authors: Ang Lv, Xu Tan, Tao Qin, Tie-Yan Liu, Rui Yan
- Abstract要約: Re-creation of Creations (ROC)は、歌詞からメロディ生成のための新しいパラダイムである。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 158.54649047794794
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Lyric-to-melody generation is an important task in songwriting, and is also
quite challenging due to its distinctive characteristics: the generated
melodies should not only follow good musical patterns, but also align with
features in lyrics such as rhythms and structures. These characteristics cannot
be well handled by neural generation models that learn lyric-to-melody mapping
in an end-to-end way, due to several issues: (1) lack of aligned lyric-melody
training data to sufficiently learn lyric-melody feature alignment; (2) lack of
controllability in generation to explicitly guarantee the lyric-melody feature
alignment. In this paper, we propose Re-creation of Creations (ROC), a new
paradigm for lyric-to-melody generation that addresses the above issues through
a generation-retrieval pipeline. Specifically, our paradigm has two stages: (1)
creation stage, where a huge amount of music pieces are generated by a
neural-based melody language model and indexed in a database through several
key features (e.g., chords, tonality, rhythm, and structural information
including chorus or verse); (2) re-creation stage, where melodies are recreated
by retrieving music pieces from the database according to the key features from
lyrics and concatenating best music pieces based on composition guidelines and
melody language model scores. Our new paradigm has several advantages: (1) It
only needs unpaired melody data to train melody language model, instead of
paired lyric-melody data in previous models. (2) It achieves good lyric-melody
feature alignment in lyric-to-melody generation. Experiments on English and
Chinese datasets demonstrate that ROC outperforms previous neural based
lyric-to-melody generation models on both objective and subjective metrics. We
provide our code in supplementary material and provide demos on github.
- Abstract(参考訳): 歌詞からメロディーへの生成は、曲の書き方において重要な課題であり、その特徴から非常に困難である: 生成されたメロディーは、優れた音楽パターンに従うだけでなく、リズムや構造といった歌詞の特徴とも一致すべきである。
本稿では,このような問題に対処する歌詞からメロディ生成の新しいパラダイムであるRe-creation of Creations (ROC)を提案する。
Specifically, our paradigm has two stages: (1) creation stage, where a huge amount of music pieces are generated by a neural-based melody language model and indexed in a database through several key features (e.g., chords, tonality, rhythm, and structural information including chorus or verse); (2) re-creation stage, where melodies are recreated by retrieving music pieces from the database according to the key features from lyrics and concatenating best music pieces based on composition guidelines and melody language model scores.
2) 歌詞からメロディ生成に優れた歌詞・メロディ特徴アライメントを実現する。
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