Easy Differentially Private Linear Regression
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2208.07353v1
- Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 17:42:27 GMT
- Title: Easy Differentially Private Linear Regression
- Authors: Kareem Amin, Matthew Joseph, M\'onica Ribero, Sergei Vassilvitskii
- Abstract summary: We study an algorithm which uses the exponential mechanism to select a model with high Tukey depth from a collection of non-private regression models.
We find that this algorithm obtains strong empirical performance in the data-rich setting.
- Score: 16.325734286930764
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Linear regression is a fundamental tool for statistical analysis. This has
motivated the development of linear regression methods that also satisfy
differential privacy and thus guarantee that the learned model reveals little
about any one data point used to construct it. However, existing differentially
private solutions assume that the end user can easily specify good data bounds
and hyperparameters. Both present significant practical obstacles. In this
paper, we study an algorithm which uses the exponential mechanism to select a
model with high Tukey depth from a collection of non-private regression models.
Given $n$ samples of $d$-dimensional data used to train $m$ models, we
construct an efficient analogue using an approximate Tukey depth that runs in
time $O(d^2n + dm\log(m))$. We find that this algorithm obtains strong
empirical performance in the data-rich setting with no data bounds or
hyperparameter selection required.
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