DIET: Conditional independence testing with marginal dependence measures
of residual information
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2023 06:48:52 GMT
- Title: DIET: Conditional independence testing with marginal dependence measures
of residual information
- Authors: Mukund Sudarshan, Aahlad Manas Puli, Wesley Tansey, Rajesh Ranganath
- Abstract summary: Conditional randomization tests (CRTs) assess whether a variable $x$ is predictive of another variable $y$.
Existing solutions to reduce the cost of CRTs typically split the dataset into a train and a test portion.
We propose the decoupled independence test (DIET), an algorithm that avoids both of these issues.
- Score: 30.99595500331328
- License:
- Abstract: Conditional randomization tests (CRTs) assess whether a variable $x$ is
predictive of another variable $y$, having observed covariates $z$. CRTs
require fitting a large number of predictive models, which is often
computationally intractable. Existing solutions to reduce the cost of CRTs
typically split the dataset into a train and test portion, or rely on
heuristics for interactions, both of which lead to a loss in power. We propose
the decoupled independence test (DIET), an algorithm that avoids both of these
issues by leveraging marginal independence statistics to test conditional
independence relationships. DIET tests the marginal independence of two random
variables: $F(x \mid z)$ and $F(y \mid z)$ where $F(\cdot \mid z)$ is a
conditional cumulative distribution function (CDF). These variables are termed
"information residuals." We give sufficient conditions for DIET to achieve
finite sample type-1 error control and power greater than the type-1 error
rate. We then prove that when using the mutual information between the
information residuals as a test statistic, DIET yields the most powerful
conditionally valid test. Finally, we show DIET achieves higher power than
other tractable CRTs on several synthetic and real benchmarks.
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