Towards directional force sensing in levitated optomechanics
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- Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2022 21:03:00 GMT
- Title: Towards directional force sensing in levitated optomechanics
- Authors: A. Pontin and T.S. Monteiro
- Abstract summary: We show that mechanical cross-correlation spectra $S_xy(omega)$ offer new possibilities.
We analyse this for detection of microscopic gas currents, but any broad spectrum directed force will suffice.
Near quantum regimes, we quantify the imprecision due to the $x-y$ correlating effect of quantum shot noise imprecision.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Levitated nanoparticles are being intensively investigated from two different
perspectives: as a potential realisation of macroscopic quantum coherence; and
as ultra-sensitive sensors of force, down to the zeptoNewton level, with a
range of various applications, including the search for Dark Matter. A future
aim is to merge these two strands, enabling the development of quantum-limited
sensors. Here we propose that mechanical cross-correlation spectra
$S_{xy}(\omega)$ offer new possibilities: once detector misalignment errors are
minimised, the spectral shape of $S_{xy}(\omega)$ directly points out the
orientation of an external stochastic force, offering something akin to a
compass in the $x-y$ plane. We analyse this for detection of microscopic gas
currents, but any broad spectrum directed force will suffice, enabling
straightforward investigation with laboratory test forces with or without
cavities. For a cavity set-up, we analyse misalignment imprecisions between
detectors and motional modes due to for example optical back-actions that mask
the signature of the directed forces, and show how to suppress them. Near
quantum regimes, we quantify the imprecision due to the $x-y$ correlating
effect of quantum shot noise imprecision.
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