Hierarchical Perceptual Noise Injection for Social Media Fingerprint
Privacy Protection
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2208.10688v1
- Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2022 02:20:46 GMT
- Title: Hierarchical Perceptual Noise Injection for Social Media Fingerprint
Privacy Protection
- Authors: Simin Li, Huangxinxin Xu, Jiakai Wang, Aishan Liu, Fazhi He, Xianglong
Liu, Dacheng Tao
- Abstract summary: fingerprint leakage from social media raises a strong desire for anonymizing shared images.
To guard the fingerprint leakage, adversarial attack emerges as a solution by adding imperceptible perturbations on images.
We propose FingerSafe, a hierarchical perceptual protective noise injection framework to address the mentioned problems.
- Score: 106.5308793283895
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Billions of people are sharing their daily life images on social media every
day. However, their biometric information (e.g., fingerprint) could be easily
stolen from these images. The threat of fingerprint leakage from social media
raises a strong desire for anonymizing shared images while maintaining image
qualities, since fingerprints act as a lifelong individual biometric password.
To guard the fingerprint leakage, adversarial attack emerges as a solution by
adding imperceptible perturbations on images. However, existing works are
either weak in black-box transferability or appear unnatural. Motivated by
visual perception hierarchy (i.e., high-level perception exploits model-shared
semantics that transfer well across models while low-level perception extracts
primitive stimulus and will cause high visual sensitivities given suspicious
stimulus), we propose FingerSafe, a hierarchical perceptual protective noise
injection framework to address the mentioned problems. For black-box
transferability, we inject protective noises on fingerprint orientation field
to perturb the model-shared high-level semantics (i.e., fingerprint ridges).
Considering visual naturalness, we suppress the low-level local contrast
stimulus by regularizing the response of Lateral Geniculate Nucleus. Our
FingerSafe is the first to provide feasible fingerprint protection in both
digital (up to 94.12%) and realistic scenarios (Twitter and Facebook, up to
68.75%). Our code can be found at
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