Learning Tree Structures from Leaves For Particle Decay Reconstruction
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2208.14924v2
- Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2022 12:21:32 GMT
- Title: Learning Tree Structures from Leaves For Particle Decay Reconstruction
- Authors: James Kahn, Ilias Tsaklidis, Oskar Taubert, Lea Reuter, Giulio Dujany,
Tobias Boeckh, Arthur Thaller, Pablo Goldenzweig, Florian Bernlochner, Achim
Streit and Markus G\"otz
- Abstract summary: We present a neural approach to reconstructing rooted tree graphs describing hierarchical interactions, using a novel representation we term the Lowest Common Ancestor Generations (LCAG) matrix.
We are able to correctly predict the LCAG purely from leaf features for a maximum tree-depth of $8$ in $92.5%$ of cases for trees up to $6$ leaves (including) and $59.7%$ for trees up to $10$ in our simulated dataset.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: In this work, we present a neural approach to reconstructing rooted tree
graphs describing hierarchical interactions, using a novel representation we
term the Lowest Common Ancestor Generations (LCAG) matrix. This compact
formulation is equivalent to the adjacency matrix, but enables learning a
tree's structure from its leaves alone without the prior assumptions required
if using the adjacency matrix directly. Employing the LCAG therefore enables
the first end-to-end trainable solution which learns the hierarchical structure
of varying tree sizes directly, using only the terminal tree leaves to do so.
In the case of high-energy particle physics, a particle decay forms a
hierarchical tree structure of which only the final products can be observed
experimentally, and the large combinatorial space of possible trees makes an
analytic solution intractable. We demonstrate the use of the LCAG as a target
in the task of predicting simulated particle physics decay structures using
both a Transformer encoder and a Neural Relational Inference encoder Graph
Neural Network. With this approach, we are able to correctly predict the LCAG
purely from leaf features for a maximum tree-depth of $8$ in $92.5\%$ of cases
for trees up to $6$ leaves (including) and $59.7\%$ for trees up to $10$ in our
simulated dataset.
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