High quality entanglement distribution through telecommunication fiber
using near-infrared non-degenerate photon pairs
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.04103v1
- Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2022 03:23:11 GMT
- Title: High quality entanglement distribution through telecommunication fiber
using near-infrared non-degenerate photon pairs
- Authors: Rui Wang, Anindya Banerji and Alexander Ling
- Abstract summary: In urban environments, the quantum channel in the form of telecommunication optical fiber (confirming to ITU G.652D standards) are available.
We investigate the possibility that for campus-type communications, entangled photons prepared in the Near-Infrared Range (NIR) can be transmitted successfully.
- Score: 73.4643018649031
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: For practical quantum communications, the efficiency of the entire system
(source, quantum channel and detectors) must be taken into account. In many
urban environments, the quantum channel in the form of telecommunication
optical fiber (confirming to ITU G.652D standards) are available, but the
detectors in this range typically have low efficiency. We investigate the
possibility that for campus-type communications, entangled photons prepared in
the Near-Infrared Range (NIR) can be transmitted successfully while preserving
polarization entanglement. We demonstrate the distribution of degenerate and
non-degenerate entangled photon pairs of wavelength around 810 nm through
standard telecommunication fiber. This technique benefits from the high
efficiency of the NIR single photon detectors and the mature design of setups
around 810 nm.. In this work, we obtain high quality entanglement (visibility
is 94.8\% based on the raw data) after an overall distance of 12 km,
corresponding to about -36 dB of fiber induced loss.
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