Asymptotic Statistical Analysis of $f$-divergence GAN
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- Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2022 18:08:37 GMT
- Title: Asymptotic Statistical Analysis of $f$-divergence GAN
- Authors: Xinwei Shen, Kani Chen, and Tong Zhang
- Abstract summary: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have achieved great success in data generation.
We consider the statistical behavior of the general $f$-divergence formulation of GAN.
The resulting estimation method is referred to as Adversarial Gradient Estimation (AGE)
- Score: 13.587087960403199
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- Abstract: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have achieved great success in data
generation. However, its statistical properties are not fully understood. In
this paper, we consider the statistical behavior of the general $f$-divergence
formulation of GAN, which includes the Kullback--Leibler divergence that is
closely related to the maximum likelihood principle. We show that for
parametric generative models that are correctly specified, all $f$-divergence
GANs with the same discriminator classes are asymptotically equivalent under
suitable regularity conditions. Moreover, with an appropriately chosen local
discriminator, they become equivalent to the maximum likelihood estimate
asymptotically. For generative models that are misspecified, GANs with
different $f$-divergences {converge to different estimators}, and thus cannot
be directly compared. However, it is shown that for some commonly used
$f$-divergences, the original $f$-GAN is not optimal in that one can achieve a
smaller asymptotic variance when the discriminator training in the original
$f$-GAN formulation is replaced by logistic regression. The resulting
estimation method is referred to as Adversarial Gradient Estimation (AGE).
Empirical studies are provided to support the theory and to demonstrate the
advantage of AGE over the original $f$-GANs under model misspecification.
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