Privacy Attacks Against Biometric Models with Fewer Samples:
Incorporating the Output of Multiple Models
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- Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2022 14:00:43 GMT
- Title: Privacy Attacks Against Biometric Models with Fewer Samples:
Incorporating the Output of Multiple Models
- Authors: Sohaib Ahmad, Benjamin Fuller, Kaleel Mahmood
- Abstract summary: Authentication systems are vulnerable to model inversion attacks where an adversary approximates the inverse of a target machine learning model.
This is because inverting a biometric model allows the attacker to produce a realistic biometric input to spoof biometric authentication systems.
We propose a new technique that drastically reduces the amount of training data necessary for model inversion attacks.
- Score: 2.1874132949602654
- License:
- Abstract: Authentication systems are vulnerable to model inversion attacks where an
adversary is able to approximate the inverse of a target machine learning
model. Biometric models are a prime candidate for this type of attack. This is
because inverting a biometric model allows the attacker to produce a realistic
biometric input to spoof biometric authentication systems.
One of the main constraints in conducting a successful model inversion attack
is the amount of training data required. In this work, we focus on iris and
facial biometric systems and propose a new technique that drastically reduces
the amount of training data necessary. By leveraging the output of multiple
models, we are able to conduct model inversion attacks with 1/10th the training
set size of Ahmad and Fuller (IJCB 2020) for iris data and 1/1000th the
training set size of Mai et al. (Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
2019) for facial data. We denote our new attack technique as structured random
with alignment loss. Our attacks are black-box, requiring no knowledge of the
weights of the target neural network, only the dimension, and values of the
output vector.
To show the versatility of the alignment loss, we apply our attack framework
to the task of membership inference (Shokri et al., IEEE S&P 2017) on biometric
data. For the iris, membership inference attack against classification networks
improves from 52% to 62% accuracy.
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