Training \beta-VAE by Aggregating a Learned Gaussian Posterior with a
Decoupled Decoder
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2022 13:49:57 GMT
- Title: Training \beta-VAE by Aggregating a Learned Gaussian Posterior with a
Decoupled Decoder
- Authors: Jianning Li, Jana Fragemann, Seyed-Ahmad Ahmadi, Jens Kleesiek, and
Jan Egger
- Abstract summary: Current practices in VAE training often result in a trade-off between the reconstruction fidelity and the continuity$/$disentanglement of the latent space.
We present intuitions and a careful analysis of the antagonistic mechanism of the two losses, and propose a simple yet effective two-stage method for training a VAE.
We evaluate the method using a medical dataset intended for 3D skull reconstruction and shape completion, and the results indicate promising generative capabilities of the VAE trained using the proposed method.
- Score: 0.553073476964056
- License:
- Abstract: The reconstruction loss and the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) loss in a
variational autoencoder (VAE) often play antagonistic roles, and tuning the
weight of the KLD loss in $\beta$-VAE to achieve a balance between the two
losses is a tricky and dataset-specific task. As a result, current practices in
VAE training often result in a trade-off between the reconstruction fidelity
and the continuity$/$disentanglement of the latent space, if the weight $\beta$
is not carefully tuned. In this paper, we present intuitions and a careful
analysis of the antagonistic mechanism of the two losses, and propose, based on
the insights, a simple yet effective two-stage method for training a VAE.
Specifically, the method aggregates a learned Gaussian posterior $z \sim
q_{\theta} (z|x)$ with a decoder decoupled from the KLD loss, which is trained
to learn a new conditional distribution $p_{\phi} (x|z)$ of the input data $x$.
Experimentally, we show that the aggregated VAE maximally satisfies the
Gaussian assumption about the latent space, while still achieves a
reconstruction error comparable to when the latent space is only loosely
regularized by $\mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0},I)$. The proposed approach does not
require hyperparameter (i.e., the KLD weight $\beta$) tuning given a specific
dataset as required in common VAE training practices. We evaluate the method
using a medical dataset intended for 3D skull reconstruction and shape
completion, and the results indicate promising generative capabilities of the
VAE trained using the proposed method. Besides, through guided manipulation of
the latent variables, we establish a connection between existing autoencoder
(AE)-based approaches and generative approaches, such as VAE, for the shape
completion problem. Codes and pre-trained weights are available at
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