Deep Intrinsically Motivated Exploration in Continuous Control
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- Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2022 14:52:16 GMT
- Title: Deep Intrinsically Motivated Exploration in Continuous Control
- Authors: Baturay Saglam, Suleyman S. Kozat
- Abstract summary: In continuous systems, exploration is often performed through undirected strategies in which parameters of the networks or selected actions are perturbed by random noise.
We adapt existing theories on animal motivational systems into the reinforcement learning paradigm and introduce a novel directed exploration strategy.
Our framework extends to larger and more diverse state spaces, dramatically improves the baselines, and outperforms the undirected strategies significantly.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In continuous control, exploration is often performed through undirected
strategies in which parameters of the networks or selected actions are
perturbed by random noise. Although the deep setting of undirected exploration
has been shown to improve the performance of on-policy methods, they introduce
an excessive computational complexity and are known to fail in the off-policy
setting. The intrinsically motivated exploration is an effective alternative to
the undirected strategies, but they are usually studied for discrete action
domains. In this paper, we investigate how intrinsic motivation can effectively
be combined with deep reinforcement learning in the control of continuous
systems to obtain a directed exploratory behavior. We adapt the existing
theories on animal motivational systems into the reinforcement learning
paradigm and introduce a novel and scalable directed exploration strategy. The
introduced approach, motivated by the maximization of the value function's
error, can benefit from a collected set of experiences by extracting useful
information and unify the intrinsic exploration motivations in the literature
under a single exploration objective. An extensive set of empirical studies
demonstrate that our framework extends to larger and more diverse state spaces,
dramatically improves the baselines, and outperforms the undirected strategies
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