Interpreting convolutional neural networks' low dimensional
approximation to quantum spin systems
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- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2022 02:49:16 GMT
- Title: Interpreting convolutional neural networks' low dimensional
approximation to quantum spin systems
- Authors: Yilong Ju, Shah Saad Alam, Jonathan Minoff, Fabio Anselmi, Han Pu,
Ankit Patel
- Abstract summary: Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been employed along with Variational Monte Carlo methods for finding the ground state of quantum many-body spin systems.
We provide a theoretical and experimental analysis of how the CNN optimize learning for spin systems, and investigate the CNN's low dimensional approximation.
Our results allow us to gain a comprehensive, improved understanding of how CNNs successfully approximate quantum spin Hamiltonians.
- Score: 1.631115063641726
- License:
- Abstract: Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been employed along with
Variational Monte Carlo methods for finding the ground state of quantum
many-body spin systems with great success. In order to do so, however, a CNN
with only linearly many variational parameters has to circumvent the ``curse of
dimensionality'' and successfully approximate a wavefunction on an
exponentially large Hilbert space. In our work, we provide a theoretical and
experimental analysis of how the CNN optimizes learning for spin systems, and
investigate the CNN's low dimensional approximation. We first quantify the role
played by physical symmetries of the underlying spin system during training. We
incorporate our insights into a new training algorithm and demonstrate its
improved efficiency, accuracy and robustness. We then further investigate the
CNN's ability to approximate wavefunctions by looking at the entanglement
spectrum captured by the size of the convolutional filter. Our insights reveal
the CNN to be an ansatz fundamentally centered around the occurrence statistics
of $K$-motifs of the input strings. We use this motivation to provide the
shallow CNN ansatz with a unifying theoretical interpretation in terms of other
well-known statistical and physical ansatzes such as the maximum entropy
(MaxEnt) and entangled plaquette correlator product states (EP-CPS). Using
regression analysis, we find further relationships between the CNN's
approximations of the different motifs' expectation values. Our results allow
us to gain a comprehensive, improved understanding of how CNNs successfully
approximate quantum spin Hamiltonians and to use that understanding to improve
CNN performance.
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