Learning on the Edge: Online Learning with Stochastic Feedback Graphs
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.04229v1
- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2022 11:21:08 GMT
- Title: Learning on the Edge: Online Learning with Stochastic Feedback Graphs
- Authors: Emmanuel Esposito, Federico Fusco, Dirk van der Hoeven, Nicol\`o
- Abstract summary: We study an extension where the directed feedback graph is bandit.
In each round every edge in the graph is either realized or not with a distinct probability for each edge.
We derive a more efficient algorithm featuring a dependence on weighted versions of the independence and weak domination numbers.
- Score: 12.83118601099289
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The framework of feedback graphs is a generalization of sequential
decision-making with bandit or full information feedback. In this work, we
study an extension where the directed feedback graph is stochastic, following a
distribution similar to the classical Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi model. Specifically, in
each round every edge in the graph is either realized or not with a distinct
probability for each edge. We prove nearly optimal regret bounds of order
$\min\bigl\{\min_{\varepsilon} \sqrt{(\alpha_\varepsilon/\varepsilon) T},\,
\min_{\varepsilon} (\delta_\varepsilon/\varepsilon)^{1/3} T^{2/3}\bigr\}$
(ignoring logarithmic factors), where $\alpha_{\varepsilon}$ and
$\delta_{\varepsilon}$ are graph-theoretic quantities measured on the support
of the stochastic feedback graph $\mathcal{G}$ with edge probabilities
thresholded at $\varepsilon$. Our result, which holds without any preliminary
knowledge about $\mathcal{G}$, requires the learner to observe only the
realized out-neighborhood of the chosen action. When the learner is allowed to
observe the realization of the entire graph (but only the losses in the
out-neighborhood of the chosen action), we derive a more efficient algorithm
featuring a dependence on weighted versions of the independence and weak
domination numbers that exhibits improved bounds for some special cases.
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