Efficient Cross-Modal Video Retrieval with Meta-Optimized Frames
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.08452v1
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2022 05:35:00 GMT
- Title: Efficient Cross-Modal Video Retrieval with Meta-Optimized Frames
- Authors: Ning Han, Xun Yang, Ee-Peng Lim, Hao Chen, Qianru Sun
- Abstract summary: Cross-modal video retrieval aims to retrieve semantically relevant videos given a text as a query.
A common and simple solution is to uniformly sample a small number of frames from the video as input to ViT.
To get free from this trade-off, this paper introduces an automatic video compression method based on a bilevel optimization program.
- Score: 39.03408879727955
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Cross-modal video retrieval aims to retrieve the semantically relevant videos
given a text as a query, and is one of the fundamental tasks in Multimedia.
Most of top-performing methods primarily leverage Visual Transformer (ViT) to
extract video features [1, 2, 3], suffering from high computational complexity
of ViT especially for encoding long videos. A common and simple solution is to
uniformly sample a small number (say, 4 or 8) of frames from the video (instead
of using the whole video) as input to ViT. The number of frames has a strong
influence on the performance of ViT, e.g., using 8 frames performs better than
using 4 frames yet needs more computational resources, resulting in a
trade-off. To get free from this trade-off, this paper introduces an automatic
video compression method based on a bilevel optimization program (BOP)
consisting of both model-level (i.e., base-level) and frame-level (i.e.,
meta-level) optimizations. The model-level learns a cross-modal video retrieval
model whose input is the "compressed frames" learned by frame-level
optimization. In turn, the frame-level optimization is through gradient descent
using the meta loss of video retrieval model computed on the whole video. We
call this BOP method as well as the "compressed frames" as Meta-Optimized
Frames (MOF). By incorporating MOF, the video retrieval model is able to
utilize the information of whole videos (for training) while taking only a
small number of input frames in actual implementation. The convergence of MOF
is guaranteed by meta gradient descent algorithms. For evaluation, we conduct
extensive experiments of cross-modal video retrieval on three large-scale
benchmarks: MSR-VTT, MSVD, and DiDeMo. Our results show that MOF is a generic
and efficient method to boost multiple baseline methods, and can achieve a new
state-of-the-art performance.
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