Pruning-based Topology Refinement of 3D Mesh using a 2D Alpha Mask
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- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2022 14:51:38 GMT
- Title: Pruning-based Topology Refinement of 3D Mesh using a 2D Alpha Mask
- Authors: Ga\"etan Landreau and Mohamed Tamaazousti
- Abstract summary: We present a method to refine the topology of any 3D mesh through a face-pruning strategy.
Our solution leverages a differentiable that renders each face as a 2D soft map.
Because our module is agnostic to the network that produces the 3D mesh, it can be easily plugged into any self-supervised image-based 3D reconstruction pipeline.
- Score: 6.103988053817792
- License:
- Abstract: Image-based 3D reconstruction has increasingly stunning results over the past
few years with the latest improvements in computer vision and graphics.
Geometry and topology are two fundamental concepts when dealing with 3D mesh
structures. But the latest often remains a side issue in the 3D mesh-based
reconstruction literature. Indeed, performing per-vertex elementary
displacements over a 3D sphere mesh only impacts its geometry and leaves the
topological structure unchanged and fixed. Whereas few attempts propose to
update the geometry and the topology, all need to lean on costly 3D
ground-truth to determine the faces/edges to prune. We present in this work a
method that aims to refine the topology of any 3D mesh through a face-pruning
strategy that extensively relies upon 2D alpha masks and camera pose
information. Our solution leverages a differentiable renderer that renders each
face as a 2D soft map. Its pixel intensity reflects the probability of being
covered during the rendering process by such a face. Based on the 2D soft-masks
available, our method is thus able to quickly highlight all the incorrectly
rendered faces for a given viewpoint. Because our module is agnostic to the
network that produces the 3D mesh, it can be easily plugged into any
self-supervised image-based (either synthetic or natural) 3D reconstruction
pipeline to get complex meshes with a non-spherical topology.
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