Trust Region Policy Optimization with Optimal Transport Discrepancies:
Duality and Algorithm for Continuous Actions
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- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 10:04:35 GMT
- Title: Trust Region Policy Optimization with Optimal Transport Discrepancies:
Duality and Algorithm for Continuous Actions
- Authors: Antonio Terpin, Nicolas Lanzetti, Batuhan Yardim, Florian D\"orfler,
Giorgia Ramponi
- Abstract summary: Trust Region Policy Optimization is a popular approach to stabilize the policy updates.
We propose a novel algorithm - Optimal Transport Trust Region Policy Optimization (OT-TRPO) - for continuous state-action spaces.
Our results show that optimal transport discrepancies can offer an advantage over state-of-the-art approaches.
- Score: 5.820284464296154
- License:
- Abstract: Policy Optimization (PO) algorithms have been proven particularly suited to
handle the high-dimensionality of real-world continuous control tasks. In this
context, Trust Region Policy Optimization methods represent a popular approach
to stabilize the policy updates. These usually rely on the Kullback-Leibler
(KL) divergence to limit the change in the policy. The Wasserstein distance
represents a natural alternative, in place of the KL divergence, to define
trust regions or to regularize the objective function. However,
state-of-the-art works either resort to its approximations or do not provide an
algorithm for continuous state-action spaces, reducing the applicability of the
method. In this paper, we explore optimal transport discrepancies (which
include the Wasserstein distance) to define trust regions, and we propose a
novel algorithm - Optimal Transport Trust Region Policy Optimization (OT-TRPO)
- for continuous state-action spaces. We circumvent the infinite-dimensional
optimization problem for PO by providing a one-dimensional dual reformulation
for which strong duality holds. We then analytically derive the optimal policy
update given the solution of the dual problem. This way, we bypass the
computation of optimal transport costs and of optimal transport maps, which we
implicitly characterize by solving the dual formulation. Finally, we provide an
experimental evaluation of our approach across various control tasks. Our
results show that optimal transport discrepancies can offer an advantage over
state-of-the-art approaches.
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