Matching Map Recovery with an Unknown Number of Outliers
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- Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 15:59:10 GMT
- Title: Matching Map Recovery with an Unknown Number of Outliers
- Authors: Arshak Minasyan, Tigran Galstyan, Sona Hunanyan, Arnak Dalalyan
- Abstract summary: We consider the problem of finding the matching map between two sets of $d$-dimensional noisy feature-vectors.
We show that, in the high-dimensional setting, if the signal-to-noise ratio is larger than $5(dlog(4nm/alpha))1/4$, the true matching map can be recovered with probability $1-alpha$.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We consider the problem of finding the matching map between two sets of
$d$-dimensional noisy feature-vectors. The distinctive feature of our setting
is that we do not assume that all the vectors of the first set have their
corresponding vector in the second set. If $n$ and $m$ are the sizes of these
two sets, we assume that the matching map that should be recovered is defined
on a subset of unknown cardinality $k^*\le \min(n,m)$. We show that, in the
high-dimensional setting, if the signal-to-noise ratio is larger than
$5(d\log(4nm/\alpha))^{1/4}$, then the true matching map can be recovered with
probability $1-\alpha$. Interestingly, this threshold does not depend on $k^*$
and is the same as the one obtained in prior work in the case of $k =
\min(n,m)$. The procedure for which the aforementioned property is proved is
obtained by a data-driven selection among candidate mappings
$\{\hat\pi_k:k\in[\min(n,m)]\}$. Each $\hat\pi_k$ minimizes the sum of squares
of distances between two sets of size $k$. The resulting optimization problem
can be formulated as a minimum-cost flow problem, and thus solved efficiently.
Finally, we report the results of numerical experiments on both synthetic and
real-world data that illustrate our theoretical results and provide further
insight into the properties of the algorithms studied in this work.
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