Symmetry Breaking with the SCAN Density Functional Describes Strong
Correlation in the Singlet Carbon Dimer
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- Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2022 23:29:00 GMT
- Title: Symmetry Breaking with the SCAN Density Functional Describes Strong
Correlation in the Singlet Carbon Dimer
- Authors: John P. Perdew, Shah Tanvir ur Rahman Chowdhury, Chandra Shahi, Aaron
D. Kaplan, Duo Song, and Eric J. Bylaska
- Abstract summary: The C2 singlet ground state is known to be a rare case of strong correlation in an sp equilibrium bond.
This work shows that spin symmetry breaking in singlet C2, the appearance of net up- and down-spin densities on opposite sides (not ends) of the bond, corrects that under-binding.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The SCAN (strongly constrained and appropriately normed) meta-generalized
gradient approximation (meta-GGA), which satisfies all 17 exact constraints
that a meta-GGA can satisfy, accurately describes equilibrium bonds that are
normally correlated. With symmetry breaking, it also accurately describes some
sd equilibrium bonds that are strongly correlated. While sp equilibrium bonds
are nearly always normally correlated, the C2 singlet ground state is known to
be a rare case of strong correlation in an sp equilibrium bond. Earlier work
that calculated atomization energies of the molecular sequence B2, C2, O2, and
F2 in the local spin density approximation (LSDA), the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof
(PBE) GGA, and the SCAN meta-GGA, without symmetry breaking in the molecule,
found that only SCAN was accurate enough to reveal an anomalous under-binding
for C2. This work shows that spin symmetry breaking in singlet C2, the
appearance of net up- and down-spin densities on opposite sides (not ends) of
the bond, corrects that under-binding, with a small SCAN atomization-energy
error more like that of the other three molecules, suggesting that
symmetry-breaking with an advanced density functional might reliably describe
strong correlation. This article also discusses some general aspects of
symmetry breaking, and the insights into strong correlation that
symmetry-breaking can bring.
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