Deep reinforcement learning for automatic run-time adaptation of UWB PHY
radio settings
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2022 13:47:12 GMT
- Title: Deep reinforcement learning for automatic run-time adaptation of UWB PHY
radio settings
- Authors: Dieter Coppens, Adnan Shahid and Eli De Poorter
- Abstract summary: We propose a deep Q-learning approach for enabling reliable UWB communication, maximizing packet reception rate (PRR) and minimizing energy consumption.
We found that deep Q-learning achieves a higher average PRR and reduces the ranging error while using only 14% of the energy compared to a fixed PHY setting in a dynamic office environment.
- Score: 3.7885834570803842
- License:
- Abstract: Ultra-wideband technology has become increasingly popular for indoor
localization and location-based services. This has led recent advances to be
focused on reducing the ranging errors, whilst research focusing on enabling
more reliable and energy efficient communication has been largely unexplored.
The IEEE 802.15.4 UWB physical layer allows for several settings to be selected
that influence the energy consumption, range, and reliability. Combined with
the available link state diagnostics reported by UWB devices, there is an
opportunity to dynamically select PHY settings based on the environment. To
address this, we propose a deep Q-learning approach for enabling reliable UWB
communication, maximizing packet reception rate (PRR) and minimizing energy
consumption. Deep Q-learning is a good fit for this problem, as it is an
inherently adaptive algorithm that responds to the environment. Validation in a
realistic office environment showed that the algorithm outperforms traditional
Q-learning, linear search and using a fixed PHY layer. We found that deep
Q-learning achieves a higher average PRR and reduces the ranging error while
using only 14% of the energy compared to a fixed PHY setting in a dynamic
office environment.
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