論文の概要: 2D and 3D CT Radiomic Features Performance Comparison in
Characterization of Gastric Cancer: A Multi-center Study
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2210.16640v1
- Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2022 16:09:07 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-11-01 19:49:52.272871
- Title: 2D and 3D CT Radiomic Features Performance Comparison in
Characterization of Gastric Cancer: A Multi-center Study
- Title(参考訳): 2次元ctと3次元ctによる胃癌の特徴比較:多施設共同研究
- Authors: Lingwei Meng, Di Dong, Xin Chen, Mengjie Fang, Rongpin Wang, Jing Li,
Zaiyi Liu, Jie Tian
- Abstract要約: 胃癌(GC)における2次元および3次元放射線特徴の表現と識別能力の比較を行った。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 11.015650919856117
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Objective: Radiomics, an emerging tool for medical image analysis, is
potential towards precisely characterizing gastric cancer (GC). Whether using
one-slice 2D annotation or whole-volume 3D annotation remains a long-time
debate, especially for heterogeneous GC. We comprehensively compared 2D and 3D
radiomic features' representation and discrimination capacity regarding GC, via
three tasks.
Methods: Four-center 539 GC patients were retrospectively enrolled and
divided into the training and validation cohorts. From 2D or 3D regions of
interest (ROIs) annotated by radiologists, radiomic features were extracted
respectively. Feature selection and model construction procedures were customed
for each combination of two modalities (2D or 3D) and three tasks.
Subsequently, six machine learning models (Model_2D^LNM, Model_3D^LNM;
Model_2D^LVI, Model_3D^LVI; Model_2D^pT, Model_3D^pT) were derived and
evaluated to reflect modalities' performances in characterizing GC.
Furthermore, we performed an auxiliary experiment to assess modalities'
performances when resampling spacing is different.
Results: Regarding three tasks, the yielded areas under the curve (AUCs)
were: Model_2D^LNM's 0.712 (95% confidence interval, 0.613-0.811),
Model_3D^LNM's 0.680 (0.584-0.775); Model_2D^LVI's 0.677 (0.595-0.761),
Model_3D^LVI's 0.615 (0.528-0.703); Model_2D^pT's 0.840 (0.779-0.901),
Model_3D^pT's 0.813 (0.747-0.879). Moreover, the auxiliary experiment indicated
that Models_2D are statistically more advantageous than Models3D with different
resampling spacings.
Conclusion: Models constructed with 2D radiomic features revealed comparable
performances with those constructed with 3D features in characterizing GC.
Significance: Our work indicated that time-saving 2D annotation would be the
better choice in GC, and provided a related reference to further
radiomics-based researches.
- Abstract(参考訳): 目的: 医用画像解析の新しいツールである放射線は胃癌(gc)を正確に特徴付ける可能性がある。
方法: 4センターの539人のgc患者を振り返りに登録し,トレーニングと検証コホートに分けた。
その後,6つの機械学習モデル (Model_2D^LNM, Model_3D^LNM, Model_2D^LVI, Model_3D^LVI, Model_2D^pT, Model_3D^pT) を導出し,GCの特性評価を行った。
結果: 曲線 (AUCs) 下の収率領域は, Model_2D^LNM の 0.712 (95%信頼区間, 0.613-0.811), Model_3D^LNM の 0.680 (0.584-0.775), Model_2D^LVI の 0.677 (0.595-0.761), Model_3D^LVI の 0.615 (0.528-0.703), Model_2D^pT の 0.840 (0.779-0.901), Model_3D^pT の 0.813 (0.747-0.879) である。
さらに, 補助実験により, モデル2dは, 異なる再サンプリング間隔を持つモデル3dよりも統計的に有利であることが示された。
結論: 2次元放射能特性を持つモデルでは,gcを特徴付ける3次元特徴を持つモデルと同等の性能を示した。
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