Improved Analysis of Score-based Generative Modeling: User-Friendly
Bounds under Minimal Smoothness Assumptions
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- Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2022 15:51:00 GMT
- Title: Improved Analysis of Score-based Generative Modeling: User-Friendly
Bounds under Minimal Smoothness Assumptions
- Authors: Hongrui Chen, Holden Lee, Jianfeng Lu
- Abstract summary: We provide convergence guarantees with complexity for any data distribution with second-order moment.
Our result does not rely on any log-concavity or functional inequality assumption.
Our theoretical analysis provides comparison between different discrete approximations and may guide the choice of discretization points in practice.
- Score: 9.953088581242845
- License:
- Abstract: In this paper, we focus on the theoretical analysis of diffusion-based
generative modeling. Under an $L^2$-accurate score estimator, we provide
convergence guarantees with polynomial complexity for any data distribution
with second-order moment, by either employing an early stopping technique or
assuming smoothness condition on the score function of the data distribution.
Our result does not rely on any log-concavity or functional inequality
assumption and has a logarithmic dependence on the smoothness. In particular,
we show that under only a finite second moment condition, approximating the
following in KL divergence in $\epsilon$-accuracy can be done in $\tilde
O\left(\frac{d^2 \log^2 (1/\delta)}{\epsilon^2}\right)$ steps: 1) the
variance-$\delta$ Gaussian perturbation of any data distribution; 2) data
distributions with $1/\delta$-smooth score functions. Our theoretical analysis
also provides quantitative comparison between different discrete approximations
and may guide the choice of discretization points in practice.
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