Logographic Information Aids Learning Better Representations for Natural
Language Inference
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.02136v1
- Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2022 20:40:14 GMT
- Title: Logographic Information Aids Learning Better Representations for Natural
Language Inference
- Authors: Zijian Jin, Duygu Ataman
- Abstract summary: We present a novel study which explores the benefits of providing language models with logographic information in learning better semantic representations.
Our evaluation results in six languages suggest significant benefits of using multi-modal embeddings in languages with logograhic systems.
- Score: 3.677231059555795
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Statistical language models conventionally implement representation learning
based on the contextual distribution of words or other formal units, whereas
any information related to the logographic features of written text are often
ignored, assuming they should be retrieved relying on the cooccurence
statistics. On the other hand, as language models become larger and require
more data to learn reliable representations, such assumptions may start to fall
back, especially under conditions of data sparsity. Many languages, including
Chinese and Vietnamese, use logographic writing systems where surface forms are
represented as a visual organization of smaller graphemic units, which often
contain many semantic cues. In this paper, we present a novel study which
explores the benefits of providing language models with logographic information
in learning better semantic representations. We test our hypothesis in the
natural language inference (NLI) task by evaluating the benefit of computing
multi-modal representations that combine contextual information with glyph
information. Our evaluation results in six languages with different typology
and writing systems suggest significant benefits of using multi-modal
embeddings in languages with logograhic systems, especially for words with less
occurence statistics.
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