Anti-Jaynes-Cummings interaction of a two-level atom with squeezed
light: A comparison with the Jaynes-Cummings interaction
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- Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 17:25:12 GMT
- Title: Anti-Jaynes-Cummings interaction of a two-level atom with squeezed
light: A comparison with the Jaynes-Cummings interaction
- Authors: Christopher Mayero and Joseph Akeyo Omolo
- Abstract summary: We consider the anti-Jaynes-Cummings interaction of a two-level atom in an initial ground state interacting with a field mode in an initial squeezed coherent state at arbitrary values of squeeze parameter r.
For high values of r, the form of the time evolution of atomic population inversion depicted enhanced ringing revivals at the collapse region in comparison to the case of an initial coherent state.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We considered the anti-Jaynes-Cummings (AJC) interaction of a two-level atom
in an initial ground state interacting with a field mode in an initial squeezed
coherent state at arbitrary values of squeeze parameter r and provided the
Jaynes-Cummings (JC) interaction as a comparison. We analysed the degree of
entanglement (DEM) measured by the von Neumann entropy and the nature of the
field quantified by the Mandel Q parameter in relation to the atomic population
inversion during the AJC interaction and separately the corresponding JC
interaction. We noted in our examples that at r>1.4, photon statistics evolved
to super-Poissonian from sub-Poissonian during the respective AJC, JC
interactions. Further, for high values of r, the form of the time evolution of
atomic population inversion depicted enhanced ringing revivals at the collapse
region in comparison to the case of an initial coherent state. What is more, at
higher values of r the time evolution of DEM showed more rapid oscillations and
recorded higher values, concurrently, an increase in the degree of mixedness.
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