Estimating Regression Predictive Distributions with Sample Networks
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2022 17:23:29 GMT
- Title: Estimating Regression Predictive Distributions with Sample Networks
- Authors: Ali Harakeh, Jordan Hu, Naiqing Guan, Steven L. Waslander, and Liam
- Abstract summary: A common approach to model uncertainty is to choose a parametric distribution and fit the data to it using maximum likelihood estimation.
The chosen parametric form can be a poor fit to the data-generating distribution, resulting in unreliable uncertainty estimates.
We propose SampleNet, a flexible and scalable architecture for modeling uncertainty that avoids specifying a parametric form on the output distribution.
- Score: 17.935136717050543
- License:
- Abstract: Estimating the uncertainty in deep neural network predictions is crucial for
many real-world applications. A common approach to model uncertainty is to
choose a parametric distribution and fit the data to it using maximum
likelihood estimation. The chosen parametric form can be a poor fit to the
data-generating distribution, resulting in unreliable uncertainty estimates. In
this work, we propose SampleNet, a flexible and scalable architecture for
modeling uncertainty that avoids specifying a parametric form on the output
distribution. SampleNets do so by defining an empirical distribution using
samples that are learned with the Energy Score and regularized with the
Sinkhorn Divergence. SampleNets are shown to be able to well-fit a wide range
of distributions and to outperform baselines on large-scale real-world
regression tasks.
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