Atomic shell structure from an orbital-free-related
density-functional-theory Pauli potential
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- Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2022 20:49:40 GMT
- Title: Atomic shell structure from an orbital-free-related
density-functional-theory Pauli potential
- Authors: Russell B. Thompson
- Abstract summary: Polymer self-consistent field theory techniques are used to find radial electron densities and total binding energies for isolated atoms.
Quantum particles are modelled as Gaussian threads with ring-polymer architecture in a four dimensional thermal-space.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Polymer self-consistent field theory techniques are used to find radial
electron densities and total binding energies for isolated atoms. Quantum
particles are modelled as Gaussian threads with ring-polymer architecture in a
four dimensional thermal-space, and a Pauli potential is postulated based on
classical excluded volume implemented in the thermal-space using
Edwards/Flory-Huggins interactions in a mean-field approximation. Other
approximations include a Fermi-Amaldi correction for electron-electron
self-interactions, a spherical averaging approximation to reduce the
dimensionality of the problem, and the neglect of correlations. Polymer scaling
theory is used to show that the excluded volume form of Pauli potential reduces
to the known Thomas-Fermi energy density in the uniform limit. Self-consistent
equations are solved using a bilinear Fourier expansion, with radial basis
functions, for the first eighteen elements of the periodic table. Radial
electron densities show correct shell structure, and the errors on the total
binding energies compared to known binding energies are less than 9% for the
lightest elements and drop to 3% or less for atoms heavier than nitrogen. More
generally, it is suggested that only two postulates are needed within classical
statistical mechanics to achieve equivalency of predictions with static,
non-relativistic quantum mechanics: First, quantum particles are modelled as
Gaussian threads in four dimensional thermal-space and, second, pairs of
threads (allowing for spin) are subject to classical excluded volume in the
thermal-space. It is shown that these two postulates in thermal-space become
the same as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the Pauli exclusion
principle in three dimensional space.
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