Purifier: Defending Data Inference Attacks via Transforming Confidence
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.00612v1
- Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2022 16:09:50 GMT
- Title: Purifier: Defending Data Inference Attacks via Transforming Confidence
- Authors: Ziqi Yang, Lijin Wang, Da Yang, Jie Wan, Ziming Zhao, Ee-Chien Chang,
Fan Zhang, Kui Ren
- Abstract summary: We propose a method, namely PURIFIER, to defend against membership inference attacks.
Experiments show that PURIFIER helps defend membership inference attacks with high effectiveness and efficiency.
PURIFIER is also effective in defending adversarial model inversion attacks and attribute inference attacks.
- Score: 27.330482508047428
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Neural networks are susceptible to data inference attacks such as the
membership inference attack, the adversarial model inversion attack and the
attribute inference attack, where the attacker could infer useful information
such as the membership, the reconstruction or the sensitive attributes of a
data sample from the confidence scores predicted by the target classifier. In
this paper, we propose a method, namely PURIFIER, to defend against membership
inference attacks. It transforms the confidence score vectors predicted by the
target classifier and makes purified confidence scores indistinguishable in
individual shape, statistical distribution and prediction label between members
and non-members. The experimental results show that PURIFIER helps defend
membership inference attacks with high effectiveness and efficiency,
outperforming previous defense methods, and also incurs negligible utility
loss. Besides, our further experiments show that PURIFIER is also effective in
defending adversarial model inversion attacks and attribute inference attacks.
For example, the inversion error is raised about 4+ times on the Facescrub530
classifier, and the attribute inference accuracy drops significantly when
PURIFIER is deployed in our experiment.
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