Deep Learning Architectures for FSCV, a Comparison
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- Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2022 00:20:10 GMT
- Title: Deep Learning Architectures for FSCV, a Comparison
- Authors: Thomas Twomey, Leonardo Barbosa, Terry Lohrenz, P. Read Montague
- Abstract summary: Suitability is determined by the predictive performance in the "out-of-probe" case, the response to artificially induced electrical noise, and the ability to predict when the model will be errant for a given probe.
The InceptionTime architecture, a deep convolutional neural network, has the best absolute predictive performance of the models tested but was more susceptible to noise.
A naive multilayer perceptron architecture had the second lowest prediction error and was less affected by the artificial noise, suggesting that convolutions may not be as important for this task as one might suspect.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: We examined multiple deep neural network (DNN) architectures for suitability
in predicting neurotransmitter concentrations from labeled in vitro fast scan
cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) data collected on carbon fiber electrodes.
Suitability is determined by the predictive performance in the "out-of-probe"
case, the response to artificially induced electrical noise, and the ability to
predict when the model will be errant for a given probe. This work extends
prior comparisons of time series classification models by focusing on this
specific task. It extends previous applications of machine learning to FSCV
task by using a much larger data set and by incorporating recent advancements
in deep neural networks. The InceptionTime architecture, a deep convolutional
neural network, has the best absolute predictive performance of the models
tested but was more susceptible to noise. A naive multilayer perceptron
architecture had the second lowest prediction error and was less affected by
the artificial noise, suggesting that convolutions may not be as important for
this task as one might suspect.
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