Don't do it: Safer Reinforcement Learning With Rule-based Guidance
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2022 13:42:56 GMT
- Title: Don't do it: Safer Reinforcement Learning With Rule-based Guidance
- Authors: Ekaterina Nikonova, Cheng Xue, Jochen Renz
- Abstract summary: During training, reinforcement learning systems interact with the world without considering the safety of their actions.
We propose a new safe epsilon-greedy algorithm that uses safety rules to override agents' actions if they are considered to be unsafe.
- Score: 2.707154152696381
- License:
- Abstract: During training, reinforcement learning systems interact with the world
without considering the safety of their actions. When deployed into the real
world, such systems can be dangerous and cause harm to their surroundings.
Often, dangerous situations can be mitigated by defining a set of rules that
the system should not violate under any conditions. For example, in robot
navigation, one safety rule would be to avoid colliding with surrounding
objects and people. In this work, we define safety rules in terms of the
relationships between the agent and objects and use them to prevent
reinforcement learning systems from performing potentially harmful actions. We
propose a new safe epsilon-greedy algorithm that uses safety rules to override
agents' actions if they are considered to be unsafe. In our experiments, we
show that a safe epsilon-greedy policy significantly increases the safety of
the agent during training, improves the learning efficiency resulting in much
faster convergence, and achieves better performance than the base model.
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