Scalable Estimation for Structured Additive Distributional Regression
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- Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2023 14:59:42 GMT
- Title: Scalable Estimation for Structured Additive Distributional Regression
- Authors: Nikolaus Umlauf, Johannes Seiler, Mattias Wetscher, Thorsten Simon,
Stefan Lang, Nadja Klein
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel backfitting algorithm, which is based on the ideas of gradient descent and can deal virtually with any amount of data on a conventional laptop.
Performance is evaluated using an extensive simulation study and an exceptionally challenging and unique example of lightning count prediction over Austria.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Recently, fitting probabilistic models have gained importance in many areas
but estimation of such distributional models with very large data sets is a
difficult task. In particular, the use of rather complex models can easily lead
to memory-related efficiency problems that can make estimation infeasible even
on high-performance computers. We therefore propose a novel backfitting
algorithm, which is based on the ideas of stochastic gradient descent and can
deal virtually with any amount of data on a conventional laptop. The algorithm
performs automatic selection of variables and smoothing parameters, and its
performance is in most cases superior or at least equivalent to other
implementations for structured additive distributional regression, e.g.,
gradient boosting, while maintaining low computation time. Performance is
evaluated using an extensive simulation study and an exceptionally challenging
and unique example of lightning count prediction over Austria. A very large
dataset with over 9 million observations and 80 covariates is used, so that a
prediction model cannot be estimated with standard distributional regression
methods but with our new approach.
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