STEERING: Stein Information Directed Exploration for Model-Based
Reinforcement Learning
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2023 03:21:17 GMT
- Title: STEERING: Stein Information Directed Exploration for Model-Based
Reinforcement Learning
- Authors: Souradip Chakraborty, Amrit Singh Bedi, Alec Koppel, Mengdi Wang,
Furong Huang, Dinesh Manocha
- Abstract summary: We propose an exploration incentive in terms of the integral probability metric (IPM) between a current estimate of the transition model and the unknown optimal.
Based on KSD, we develop a novel algorithm algo: textbfSTEin information dirtextbfEcted exploration for model-based textbfReinforcement LearntextbfING.
- Score: 111.75423966239092
- License:
- Abstract: Directed Exploration is a crucial challenge in reinforcement learning (RL),
especially when rewards are sparse. Information-directed sampling (IDS), which
optimizes the information ratio, seeks to do so by augmenting regret with
information gain. However, estimating information gain is computationally
intractable or relies on restrictive assumptions which prohibit its use in many
practical instances. In this work, we posit an alternative exploration
incentive in terms of the integral probability metric (IPM) between a current
estimate of the transition model and the unknown optimal, which under suitable
conditions, can be computed in closed form with the kernelized Stein
discrepancy (KSD). Based on KSD, we develop a novel algorithm \algo:
\textbf{STE}in information dir\textbf{E}cted exploration for model-based
\textbf{R}einforcement Learn\textbf{ING}. To enable its derivation, we develop
fundamentally new variants of KSD for discrete conditional distributions. {We
further establish that {\algo} archives sublinear Bayesian regret, improving
upon prior learning rates of information-augmented MBRL.} Experimentally, we
show that the proposed algorithm is computationally affordable and outperforms
several prior approaches.
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